I got "banged"!


After months of waffling back and forth between deciding to get bangs or not, I finally did it. I went to the hairdresser, sat down and was like, "I think I want bangs-- no, I don't think I want real bangs, maybe I just want like 'training wheel bangs', ya know, like short angles or something?" I made it clear that I needed a low-maintenance look but wanted one that was cute. The woman told me she'd give me short angles that i could either wear as bangs or that I could tuck behind my ears if I didn't like it. "Perfect", I thought!

So a few chops later and I had training wheel bangs. They were definitely cute, but once i got home I knew I wanted more of a bang, and knew I was ready to commit, so I got out my scissors and finished the job:

It's definitely the change I've been seeking, although it feels so weird to have hair tickling my forehead. What do you guys think? I like it because unlike my non-bang look, I have options with bangs; to the side, full frontal, clipped back, etc. And the best is that they are super low-maintenance! It was either bangs or bald, and I think I made a good choice :)


Unknown said...

super cute! i love when bangs like yours are swept to the side. me gusta!

Mona said...

WOW! I love it! I'm officially jealous that you can have super cute bangs, and I can't because I have Jew hair (unbangable)

You look fabulous, honey!

JenRae said...

I love the bangs!!! so cute!!! I tried training wheel bangs, but my hair looked the same as it did before, and I never got bold enough to go all the way!