ebb & flow, yo


One of my favorite sayings is, "ebb and flow, yo". Actually, I beleive the saying is simply "ebb and flow", but I added the "yo" to make it my own. I can't seem to resist adding a "yo" to the end of sentences, especially if it rhymes. Anyway, I love this saying because I truly feel that life is a series of ebbs and flows; sometimes you can feel the ebb or flow in a tangible way and other times it's just a vibe or a subtle shift that is only recognizible in retrospect. Either way, it's all about change and how we react to it.

Tonight, as I sit here with the windows open (for the first time this year), I am enjoying a very tangible change; a change of seasons - an ebb of winter cold and a flow of springtime warmth. What's funny (to me) is how I'm reacting to this change; I'm here, writing again in a place that I haven't visited in over two months - my last entry was from mid-December. Is there a correlation, I wonder, between weather and writing? Did the writer in me freeze up and ebb with the rest of the Northeast in December? Hmmm.

Well, regardless of the reason, as soon as I opened the windows and pulled the screens down, I got the undeniable urge to come back and start writing (in this format) again. It feels gooood, by the way, just to be here doin' how I used to do, especially with the windows down, wearing a tank top, chillin'.

Give thanks for the ebb, for it leads to the flow, yo.