Most mornings, I over-sleep. It's usually by choice, but still, with great regularity, I stay in the bed longer than I should. This chronic decision always results in a fairly frantic morning routine for me. I could (should) get up early, do yoga, have breakfast, peruse the internets, and ease into my day the way the sun eases into the morning sky.
But no, I don't. And this daily decision results in me being dangerously late for my train to work just about every single day. I mean there are mornings when I have to scream "waaaaaiiiitt" in order to stop the conductor from leaving without me. I leave myself 2 minutes to get from my house to the station, when I should leave a good 5 minutes. I seriously race out the door, sprint up the sidewalk, and drive like a lunatic to the station, thinking, "I'm gonna miss it today, there's just no way...". But then, without fail, I pull in just as the train is pulling in, or just as the last passenger is boarding, and I wind up making the train. Every morning, its a mad dash to the station, and every morning, it's a miracle that I actually make the train.
It's kind of nice actually; it's a good trade-off. I give up yoga and meditative calm, but I get to bear witness to a miracle, every morning. Now that's a way to start a day! I'm on the train right now (miracle!) in total disbelief that I'm on the train. It's a St. Patrick's Day miracle!
Here's hoping your day is filled with miracles, too. Cheers!
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