It's no big surprise that Jay and I want a baby. We've been trying to conceive on and off now for a couple of years without any luck (sorry if that's TMI, but it's our reality and I think it's important to talk about these things). We've tried a variety of methods, from charting cycles to using ovulation strips to meeting with fertility docs, but nothing has worked. During all of this, I was going to school full-time, so in all fairness, school was my priority and trying to conceive always landed on the back burner. But still, it's been incredibly frustrating, especially when everyone around us was either getting pregnant or having babies.
But now, I'm done with school and we're ready to really pursue this again, for real this time -- no distractions, no school stress, no excuses. Earlier this summer, I had lunch with friends who are the proud parents of a new baby boy. We got to talking, and they shared their lengthy and frustrating journey to parenthood, which, like ours thus far, had been full of disappointment and heartache. Our stories had so many parallels, including cycle irregularity, the books we'd read, the charting we'd done, the fertility doc procedures, etc. "Finally", I thought, "someone who really understands".
Obviously, the sheer existence of their precious baby boy means that somewhere along the way, our paths stopped being so similar. They conceived and we did not... yet. Whereas our path branched off and was more about finishing school, their path led them to the discovery of a little device called the Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor. Never heard of it? I hadn't either, until they told me how they finally achieved pregnancy.
Friends of theirs, who also struggled to get pregnant, used it and swore by it, so my friends decided to give it a whirl and try it out. After two months, they were preggers. Incredible. Unlike ovulation test strips that so many of us are familiar with, this fertility monitor detects both LH and estrogen hormones, and therefore helps to target ovulation. For women like myself who have irregular cycles, ovulation is unpredictable, so having a device that does the charting for you and tells you when it's peak fertility time, well folks, that's a miracle. Well no, babies are miracles, but you get the point.
After my friends told me about the fertility monitor, I went online to read reviews and to see if others got the same result. I can't tell you how many couples, especially couples who struggle with this, have gotten pregnant with the monitor. Story upon story, women everywhere are getting pregnant with this thing. Just go onto Amazon's page and read through the reviews for yourself. It's pricey, and most couples use it as a last resort before thinking about In Vitro Fertilization or continuing to meet with fertility specialists, so the stories of couples trying to conceive for years prior to using it are so touching. So many stories of couples on the cusp of losing hope, and then BAM, baby-on-board. I was in tears just reading through the reviews on Amazon, mostly because I could relate to and empathize with these women, but also for the hope their stories provide.
So, I ordered it and it should arrive today. We are hopeful, yet realistic, as nothing is guaranteed. But, we are hopeful. We know that whatever is meant for us will unfold for us, and we are grateful.
Here's hoping for the expansion of StewMody, Inc. in 2011 :)
Baby? Maybe!
Posted by Jen at 12:45 PM
You and Jay are so meant to be parents. It will happen, I have no doubts. I'm so excited for you guys, and I can't wait to rub your big preggers belly :)
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