


I'm feelin' a little shy. Whenever I don't blog for a week I tend to feel shy and like I have to stand up in front of the class and introduce myself. So here I am, totally exposed and exhausted from this new and busy life I'm leading but wanting to say hi and check in with my cyber-peeps.

I'm very sleep-deprived these days, dehydrated, short-tempered, a little (or a lot) overwhelmed, and in the process of getting sick. But hey, I signed up for all of it and just like the little engine that could, I know I can make it! Not only can I make it; I can thrive!

So that's what's doin' with me, what about you? How are you feeling? Are you sleep deprived and dehydrated too? Or are you one of those sleep indulged, hydrated types who only work two days a week? If so, you need a slap-down! ooops, there goes my temper. Guess I better go to bed and get my daily "nap" in. lovins...


Mona said...

well it's about time. i get sad when there are no jen blogs. good luck with your crazy schedule. been thinking of you and sending you lots of love! (and just for the record, i work 3 days a week) xoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

don't feel shy, we're just happy you're back