I have this martian, er cat, named Cali, who sleeps on my pillow every night. Some nights she fits real snug around my head like a hat, with her front paws and back paws forming a virtual chin strap. This is especially lovely in the winter as she keeps me warm and cozy. Some nights she just opts for a pillow-share and we mutually agree to not get so cozy. This is especially nice during the summer because we can still be hang out like the girlfriends (boss/servant) that we are without the body heat factor. And on some nights, when she's feeling especially needy or bossy, she chooses to sleep on my head; not wrapped around like a hat but actually on top of my head. Did I mention she's a martian?
So last night was a pillow-share kind of night, or at least that's how it began. But then I woke up around 1:00 with a sharp pain just below my left eye. I attempted to roll over and sit up, but I didn't get too far because I soon realized that something was attached to my face, no, something was inside my face. I lifted my arm to feel around for clues and there it was -- Cali's paw, and more specifically, Cali's single claw that we have affectionately nicknamed her "high heel" because of the way it click-clacks against the floors when she walks. Even when she's not walking, her "high heel" always tends to jut out and display itself:
So there I was, lying in bed with a cat on my head and a claw submerged in my face (just like the picture above except imagine my face instead of the pillow). Oh the joys of having pets... can't wait till we have kids ;) As soon as I realized the reality of the situation, I removed her claw and went into the bathroom to assess the damage: she had punctured the skin and I now have a tiny little wound directly under my left eyeball.
Who knew this sassy little fluff-ball would be capable of committing a facial puncture wound? I'm gonna have to rethink these sleeping arrangements -- oh wait, she's the boss, I'm merely the staff. Maybe that was her way of telling me that I'll be sleeping on the couch from now on ;)
puncture wound
Posted by Jen at 7:09 PM
Dear Staff Members,
It has come to my attention that a certain blog has been posted about me (Cal Bomb) citing false information about my head sleeping habits. I own you pal. You will now find a turd on your pillow.
yes boss
wow. i hope your face heals allright. (you may want to consider a pit bull as your next pet, they're safer.) ;)
she is just too cute... i think she'd walk all over me too! I love the high heel... hilarious!
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